Monday, May 18, 2009

Update on Boys

Although I did a picture post earlier today, it seems like it has been a while since I've written anything substantive about the boys. We've had several major developments over the past couple of months.

First and foremost, Myles started walking.....yeah! It is so cute. At first he staggered around like a little drunk man, but now he's got his "swagger" down. He cocks his little arms back and pokes his chest out and struts. It is hilarious.

Secondly, along with his newly acquired walking skill, came Myles' first trip to the ER. He's always been like a little monkey....he loves to climb on anything and everything. When coupled with his new ability to move around quickly and find new stuff to climb on, he is dangerous. And very quick. So, he got over to the deck and haphazardly climbed a few steps. Before Blaine or I could get to him to make him come down, he stumbled and flipped head over heels down the steps. I thought he'd bitten through his tongue. Fortunately, that wasn't the case. But, he did lose one of his six teeth. Luckily it was on the bottom, although it was dead in the center (see pics below and to the left). Don't worry.....he'll have one in it's place in 5-6 years. Ha!

Last, but certainly not least, Garrett is now FINALLY fully potty trained (except, of course, for the occasional accident when he's simply too busy to bother with going to the potty, i.e., when he's so enthralled in whatever cartoon he's watching that he can't pry himself away from the TV). He was so proud when he finally pooped in the potty that he made me take a picture of his "work product." I'll spare you the pics of that.

Hope everyone is well!


Latest Pics....Thanks Jenny!!!

We tried a new photographer last weekend, Jenny Morgan. She is absolutely a delight to work with. She's also a wonderful photographer who is working solely to raise money for a worthwhile cause, her and her husband's fund to adopt another child. She is very affordable, and I would recommend her to anyone looking to have pictures done. You can view more of her work and read her story on her website at Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

April 2009...Better Late Than Never

I have been really bad about posting lately. Sorry. I guess I've just been busy. We did actually have some pictures from April 2009, including Easter- the Easter Bunny visit, egg hunts, etc... I'll try not to be so long on my next post. Enjoy!


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Viva Las Vegas...

Because Mommy and Daddy need to get away by themselves every now and then...Blaine and I went to Las Vegas near the end of February. I thought I'd share some of the pics we took while we were there (at the same time as the Nascar race). We had a great time and will be back again one day...hopefully with more luck than this time.


Sunday, February 1, 2009

Cheecho Turns One...

Myles, affectionately referred to by Garrett as Cheecho (No, we don't know what it means or where it came from), turned one on January 30th. We had a big birthday party for him yesterday at GiGi and G-Daddy's house. Both sides of our family and some of our closest friends were in attendance. It was a big day. Joe Paul Abbott and Ms. Beverly came out to make family pics (thanks guys...they turned out GREAT). But, of course, Mommy made some snap shots also. Enjoy!

